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He is hardly alone. Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania,ugg boots,At the time of this writing, a Democrat,, will accept up to $50,000 per donor. Corporate sponsorship packages for inaugural events by Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, both Republicans, cost $30,000 and $25,000 respectively.

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With the new year coming into view, area residents may be making resolutions to change their diet and exercise. In Stuttgart,, there are two organizations that address these two issues, Weight Watchers and Take of Pounds Sensibly (TOPS). "We welcome members anytime," Linda Fischer, receptionist and greeter at Weight Watchers in Stuttgart,you'll likely need a new phon, said. "We have been here since April of 2014." Fischer,sniff and signal to each othe, who has lost nearly 50 pounds, drove to DeWitt to the meetings there before they had a permanent home in Stuttgart. Weight Watchers now meets at Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas-Stuttgart campus. "We meet in room B113," Fischer said. "We meet in the main campus on the north wing of the college." Tonya Brickey is the leader of Weight Watchers in Stuttgart, which meets at 5:30 p.m. every Tuesday and weigh-in is between 5 and 5:30 p.m. before the weekly meeting. Weight Watchers is an international company based in the United States and founded in 1963 in Brooklyn, New York, with the core philosophy behind to use a science-driven approach to help participants lose weight by forming helpful habits,first row, eating smarter, getting more exercise and providing support. "In TOPS,ArabianEveryone wants to feel, members lose weight by their own standards or methods," Pat Meins, treasurer of TOPS No. 565 in Stuttgart, said. TOPS, which began in Stuttgart in 2006,explores the reasons behind t, meets at 5:30 p.m. each Tuesday at Farmers Protective Insurance Co. at 209 E. 22nd St., with weigh-ins between 5 and 5:30 p.m. The group has an annual fee paid one time and a monthly fee of $5 after that. "We have programs and incentives to lose weight," Meins said. "We also incorporate exercise in our programs." TOPS was founded in 1948 by a Milwaukee,seguido por la industria, Wisconsin housewife, who found that when there is mutual support among women and others, women can stay within their guidelines. For more information on TOPS, contact Meins at (870) 673-1629. To learn more about Weight Watchers, contact Fischer at (870) 673-3508.